Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Mom is Mother

How many people from the country call their Mom, “Mother”? It is such a proper name for a hick from North Carolina to use. Well, this group of six North Carolina hick kids did. That was all I knew my Mom as. I am quite sure, that even as a baby, I never said Momma or Mommy, Just Mother. It is Funny that on Father’s Day, I am thinking about my Mom. It may be because yesterday would have been her natural birthday. I know my Dad instilled a lot of values and moral discernment in our lives, but he was not around during most of my life, so my real hero is my Mom.

When I was growing up, we didn’t have computers, and the internet, and GOOGLE. I know, some of you younger folk are wondering how in the world we got by. But I didn’t need Google, I had my Mom. She knew something about everything.

She knew how to doctor us when we were hurt or sick. I remember one time, I climbed into a big bushy tree to retrieve my baseball, and when I came out, my bare chest was covered with wasp, ( I always wondered how all those wasps knew at what moment I knew they were all there on my chest, because at that very moment, they all stung me at the same time), I just knew I was going to die. But my Mom, never acted all freaked out, or hysterical, she just calmly told one of my sisters to go next door and ask our neighbor for a pack of cigarettes, She unwrapped all of them, and wet the tobacco, and proceeded to paste it on all the stings. Thanks to my Mom’s quick action, (and the fact that most people don’t die from wasp stings) I am alive today.

She knew about finances too. Some of the best advice I have ever received about money was from her, she would tell me, invest your money in real estate, because real estate always increases in value. And until recently, that advice has held to the test as one of the best investments ever.

My Mom knew about the Bible. She answered any questions we had about God, or his Son Jesus Christ, or Salvation, or Heaven, even when we did not ask a question, she had an answer for us.

My mom also was like a walking phonebook. It tickles me to think about her getting upset with all of us, each time we needed to call someone, we would call her, and ask, “What is so-in-so’s phone number”? She would retort,” I am not your phone book, write it down this time”! then she would recite the number to us again, and of course, I would never write it down.

Then there is the cooking… My oh My…. You have never tasted home cooking like my Mom made. I couldn’t even eat over at my friends house, because my taste buds were so spoiled. It didn’t matter what she cooked, fried, or baked, it was always toe tingling awesomely good. I remember during the holidays, my two aunts that lived in town with us would plan a day and come over to our house, and bake pies and cakes for Christmas, and baked all day. What a wonderful day that was in my life. My Mom has made eating to me an experience, not a chore. I loved to watch her taste something new that she liked. She was able to taste all the ingredients, and duplicate the recipe. I cook and eat that way even to this day. I mean… Yum Mom!

Most of all was the love my Mom had for each one of us six kids. I of course was her baby, so there was a lot of jealousy among the other five kids. But she uniquely loved us all, according to our own dispositions. She always made me feel like I was the best at whatever I did. She always aimed me in the right direction. And she always loved me unconditionally when I messed up my life. She wasn’t oblivious to my evil desires, and wicked ways, she did something I didn’t understand until way later in my life. My Mom absorbed my badness into her own soul, then I really believe she offered herself to the Lord to suffer any punishment I deserved. (I know God does not do that) Then she looked at me as though I had never been bad. My Mon only saw what was good in me. What I realized later on in life was this, that God loved me so much he sent his Son to suffer for my badness (Sin), so that he can look at me and only see the goodness of his Son. My Mom had His spirit in her, and loved her children in that same way.

I mentioned my Mom in my first blog, that she prayed for me, and shared God’s love with me, and steered me in God’s direction so many times. She could not bear the thought that one of her children would not be in heaven with her. I know a lot of things happened in my life that led to my getting saved, but I will always believe that it was my Mom’s faithfulness in prayer that moved God to continue to pursue me.

There are so many things I could say about my Mom, but there is not enough “Internet Virtual Paper” to write it all. My Mom is now with the God she loves, she is enjoying the bliss of heaven, her pains and suffering are over, and her tears though in God’s bottle are all wiped away. And she has the wonderful anticipation of the day when all her children will be united with her again.

Mother is the best Mom ever!

See Ya Soon Mom!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have said it any better! I once read these words, and I often say them in my heart to her:
    "I miss thee, my Mother. Thy image is the deepest impressed upon my heart!"
    Thanks Mikeee!
    Love, Cathy
