Thursday, April 18, 2013

Do you believe God?

Do You Believe God?

We often ask people if they believe in God, and get many different answers. Most would say that they believe that there is a God, but to what extent he relates to them varies. But ask somebody if they believe God, and it only leaves room for two answers, Yes or No.

This would be a great evangelistic tool as well, because you may get an intelligent reply with a question like: “Do I Believe WHAT about God?” Again, they will try to change the focus to something about God, and not the question asked.

The question again is: “Do You Believe God?” The Bible never tries to establish that there is a God, or to try to argue that he has any certain characteristics. The Bible starts with a simple Phrase: “In the beginning, God created the world…” The Bible starts with the assumption that God is, and why not. He created the World, the Universe, and every living thing in the world, including man. Why then should he start his book that he gave to tell us what he wants from us with an argument of who he is?

So as we read the Bible we see that God wants man to obey him. Man sinned and disobeyed. Then we see God gave a list of laws that reflect his holiness. Man broke every one of them. Then God sent his only Son who did obey God, who did keep his Law, and who pleased God by his holy life, and God allowed man that disobeyed, sinned, and displeased his creator take his Son, and beat him, bruise him, and nail him to a cross so that we could watch him die a long and slow agonizing suffocating death on that cross. Then to top it off, God took all of the sins of those very people (including you and me) and made his Son responsible for them all, he made him guilty of those sins, and then punished him for them. His Son died because of my sins.

God now has one law for man. To believe him when he says that his Son paid it all on that cross, and by believing on him, you will now please him, you will be holy, and you will be obedient to him. You will have the life he created you to have.

Do You Believe God?

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