Thursday, December 6, 2012

This is why we do it…

On my way to buy a fattening Backyard burger, dreading the approaching start time for work, I noticed a guy passing by me, I was looking pretty good in my sharp looking Mustang, and he was ogling it with that “Man, I wish I had that car” look. Then I was still feeling pretty good that I was the proud owner of said “ogled car” when I saw an Audi A6, black, and chrome all polished up, glimmering in the sunlight. I found myself ogling that car, with that same look. It was then I thought about work again, and thought to myself …This is why we do it.

This time of year, children are all excited as Christmas Day gets closer, and the anticipation of what is behind all that wrapping paper. While we adults, all year long, anticipate opening the big one, working day by day, imagining what it will be like when we first see the prize behind the wrapping. All the hard times, all the disappointments, all the trials, we still trudge on, knowing that one day soon, we will see it, the treasure we have worked so hard for, it will be revealed to us, and it will overwhelm us, as reality sets in.

There are so many gifts that have been opened over the years, received with excitement, enjoyed immensely for a time, and then forgotten. So we move on to the next one, and each time, are thankful to the giver of the gift, and each time we enjoyed it, the giver gleamed with joy as well. But in life it seems that every gift has to be trumped by the next, and while all the regular gifts are received, and used, we are always looking for that next big one.

Imagine if you will, that I have been speaking of Christmas presents all this time. It seems to fit pretty well. Knowing the depraved nature of man, we really start to expect this kind of behavior. But what if my subject has nothing at all to do with Christmas, and things, but with the blessings we receive as gifts from our Father in heaven. Just like we as parents, who delight in seeing the excited little faces on Christmas morning, as wrapping paper flies through the air, and the sparkling new toys are revealed. Just imagine the joy on our Heavenly Father’s face when he gives us a blessing, and at that moment we realize that it is a gift from God, and that it is special, and wonderful. Then when we tell someone else about it, and together, you both realize how real, and precious our Father is in our lives, how he must beam with joy.

But oh, just like things, we find ourselves looking for that next big blessing, and day by day, he showers us with his gifts, which we have come to expect, and many times take for granted. But oh, that big one, the one that we strive for every day, and anticipate, what will it be like? Just what will that greatest gift ever, that our Heavenly Father will give us be? the answer is, that the big one is what he has given to us since the day he made us his child. It is his son, it is life, it is love, it is hope, it is joy. We are told by John the Apostle, he that hath the Son, hath life. He also tells us that anything we ask the Father for, he will give it to us. So, all the blessings we enjoy day by day, are really his Son in our lives. Knowing this, every gift, should be enjoyed as if it was the first time we have seen it. But what then is the Future gift? It will be the day, we see him face to face. Then, we will realize the reality of God and his Son in such a way that has never been experienced in this life, so much so that we will fall at his feet, crying with a loud voice, “You are worthy” As our faces glimmer with excitement, at the site of God’s greatest gift to us, I am sure the Father will be beaming with joy at our delight. YEAH …This is why we do it!

Merry CHRISTmas.

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