There was a Famous preacher that was asked to come and preach at a certain church. He was told that the building would be filled with believers and the lost to hear the word of God.
As this preacher preached the word, He reproved the world of sin, because the lost had not believed on the Lord Jesus as the only way to eternal Life. He also preached of the righteousness that is imputed to those that do believe, based on the death of our Lord. Then he spoke of the judgment of those that reject the gospel, because the only forgiveness from God is based on God’s judgment on his Son.
When he finished preaching, and had prayed, there were many in the crowd that came forward to speak with the preacher, and trusted in the saving work of Christ.
Sometime later, this preacher inquired of the folks at that church, and those that were at the meeting that night. He was told that first of all there was a whole group of them that went out for a meal after the meeting, and discussed what they heard. But as they one by one used their logic to make sense of it, they all soon came to believe that this was just another religious way to find God. None of them in that discussion ever returned to the church.
Then there was a group of people that made a great show of joy that very night, the preacher remembered them because of all the excitement they displayed, they continued to come to church for a little while, but never really were interested in studying the word of God for a deeper understanding, but exhibited an emotional high, and made quite a show of themselves. But after a while, things got really hard for them at work and home, and one by one they all dropped off, and have not been seen since.
There was also a group of the more affluent folks, they responded to the gospel, being quite moved concerning eternal judgment, and were fearful of dying and going to hell. But as they attended our meetings, our preacher spoke often of self-sacrifice and sacrificial giving. These richer folk seemed really offended at this train of thought, and left the meeting in a great show.
But preacher, you will be glad to hear, that there were a number of people, including boys and girls, that were really moved that night, their eyes were filled with tears as they came to realize that the filthiness of their sin was borne by the Lord Jesus, and came to understand his great love for them, that he died for their sin. These folks are very active in bible study, and witnessing at work and to their neighbors. Many are now teaching Sunday school, while some of them have expressed a desire to preach the word in church. They give to the church, and bless God for his richness in providing for their every need. They have been here every time the doors are open, and have brought many here that they have shared the gospel with….
Many times in my early life the majesty of the eternal seed was cast into my life. To me, it was foolishness, and a waste of time. The gospel is just words, Right? Now that I have believed that gospel, I look back, and realize that it is not just words. These words we say to the lost, are eternal, powerful, majestic, and life giving. They changed my life, made me whole, and gave me purpose.
I stand amazed though, so many people that respond to the gospel, react to it so differently. The story of the Sower brings this to light, so I created this story to illustrate just how crazy it is to not react to the gospel with your whole heart, mind, and soul. Has the seed planted in your heart begun to spring into life? Has it begun to bear fruit? And will you hear from the lips of our Lord in the soon coming day, “Well Done, Thou Good And Faithful Servant”?