Friday, December 4, 2020

The End of the World is Near!


The End of the World is Near!

The famous “Doomsday Prophets” were iconic at one time in our history, the more religious of the bunch were convinced that the current events and bible prophecy were meshing, and God was going to rain his final judgement on the world and those of his creation that has rebelled and refused his grace and mercy to save them.


Truly we as God’s children in this world we live in should be “mostly” like these “End Times” prophets of old, in the sense of us warning every human being in this world that the day of God’s grace is coming to a close, and then he will begin to purge the lost from this world as he cleanses his chosen people, the Jews, from their rebellion and hard heart.

Like the disappearance of these prophets of times past, the world mocks our belief in God, and his son the Lord Jesus Christ. They mock our hope, and will say the same kind of words that the Apostle Peter spoke in his second letter in the Bible: 2Peter 3:3-4  Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,  (4)  And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

Many believers are discouraged from believing God’s promise to come take us home, a promise that includes changing our bodies from one that is corruptible, and dying to one that is incorruptible, and will never die. He promised that our home with him will be one with no sin, no crying, no sickness, and no dying: John 14:1-3 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.  (2)  In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  (3)  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Also: 1Thessalonians 4:16-17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  (17)  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Also: Revelation 21:3-4 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.  (4)  And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.


The mocking of our hope challenges not only the truth of these promises, but also the possibility of such a thing being tangible to us.

The first verse of the fourteenth chapter of John’s gospel says this: “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me”. There are three things the Lord said to his disciples: One, don’t let your heart be troubled; Two, You believe in God; and Three, Believe also in me.

  • 1      Troubled hearts: The wording of the Lord’s statement is such as we must be on guard for our heart. “(LET NOT) your heart be troubled”. There are those that, as Peter says, “…are willingly ignorant” they are as putty in the hands of the churches’ enemy, Satan, and he uses them to discourage, to cause doubt, and to weaken the believer’s faith. We must be awake spiritually, watching diligently, and looking up faithfully every moment of our lives. God’s promises are sure to the Saint of God.
  • 2.       Faith in God: This would be better stated, you have believed God. Have we? Have we believed God? When he said that he created this world and the heaven above? When he said that he created you and me? When he said that Man sinned, and all mankind are now sinners by nature? When he said that he sent his only son to die on the cross to pay the “death price” for our sins? When he said that any who believe he will save and give them eternal life? If yes, then believe his son also…
  •  3.       Believing the Son: The Lord Jesus told them, and it has been communicated to us in his word, that he will come back and take us to our home in heaven, to be with him forever. We either believe him, or we don’t. Our hope is based on his promise.


So we are convinced by the undeniable facts of the Old Testament predictions concerning God fulfilling his initial promise to send his Son into the world, each and every one came through with the birth, the sufferings and death, to his resurrection, that we are confident of all the other promises and predictions that have been made by God as recorded in the Bible.


Here is a brief overlook at the things that are predicted, and will come to pass:

1st – (1Thessalonians 4) He will return in the air and call all born again believers up into the air to meet him, and to take us home:

  • a)       (1 Corinthians 15) He will change our bodies to an eternal body fit for heaven.
  • b)      (Romans 14:10; 2 Corinthians 5:10; and described in 1 Corinthians 3) We will stand before the Judgment seat of Christ.
  • c)       (Revelation 5) We will worship the Lord in person.

2nd – (Revelation 6-19) The seven years of tribulation on the earth, and all who dwell on the earth will suffer the fierce judgment of God.

  •         (Chapter 6) The Seven Seals; 
  •      (Chapter 8-9) The Seven Trumpets; 
  •      (Chapter 16) The Seven Last Plaques (Vials).
  •         (Chapter 19) The second coming of Christ into this world.
  •         (Chapter 19:20) The Beast and the False Prophet were cast alive into the lake of fire.

3rd - (Chapter 20) …the thousand year reign of Christ on the earth. All Israel with the remaining survivors of the tribulation (the start and the end of the one thousand years).

  •        (Chapter 20:1-3) Satan is bound in chains and cast into the bottomless pit for the full one thousand years.
  •        (Chapter 20:7-10) Satan is released and leads a rebellion at the end of the thousand years, and then is cast into the lake of fire where the Beast and the False Prophet are still being tormented.
  •        (Chapter 20:11-15) Great White Throne. Every unbelieving human that died without the Lord will be judged and cast into the lake of fire for all eternity.

NOTE: As a Christian that has acquired such eternal wealth by the grace of God, shouldn’t our hearts break for any we know or have contact with, knowing the end of their path, shouldn’t we be bold to proclaim to them that the END is near?

4th – (Chapter 21) The New Heaven and the New Earth: This is what we have hoped for all through the trials we have faced as we have faithfully held the name of our Lord before a lost world.

  •       (Chapter 21:10) The New Jerusalem; “…that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God”

5th - (Chapter 22) The Call to the lost, this day to come is an imminent event, it just may be today as you read this brief summary of the end of the world. Will you not shine your light in a dark world, as you echo the Lords pleading to mankind?


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Owner of Your Love

      I was dwelling on God’s love for mankind, and then on the love he has shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, and those thoughts led me to write a blog on Love - (see next blog). It was while I was writing and rewriting this blog that I began to think about what it meant to be loved. To be loved by someone, according to true love as seen in the thirteenth chapter of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian believers, has the weight of a true treasure we have been given possession of by the one that loved us. How much more so to be loved by the one that “is love”. The words came into my mind, and filled my heart with the assurance that God had made me “The Owner of His Love”.

       One evening these thoughts flooded my soul. I ripped off the back cover of a Sudoku book, found a pen and began to scratch the words into a poem. I placed the chicken scratch notes in my office and neglected them for a while, until I decided to type them into a document. I wrote and rewrote these words like a potter would work clay into a noticeable vessel. When I saw it complete it felt it more of a song then a poem, but I have not been able to get a tune or rhythm to match the phrasing. None the less I lift my song to the Lord, knowing he will hear the tune of my heart’s love for him.

 ~Owner of your Love~


Simple words... spoken with no feeling

Yet they tell of your great love for us.


Of all the words that this language offers,

The ones you used are "suffering and death"



How could one so holy and so pure,

Die for man, who mocked and disowned you.


Is it true, you gave so you could own us?

Is our love... a precious gift to have?


What I found completely astounds me.

You gave your all...

           So I could be...

                   The owner of your love.




I have never been loved like you have loved.

In your eyes I see a passion that frees me.


You smile when you look upon me,

Flooding my world with your glorious light.



How could one so holy and so pure,

Die for me, who mocked and disowned you.


Is it true, you gave that you could own me?

Is my love... a precious gift to have?


What I found completely astounds me.

You gave your all...

           Now I'm... The owner of your love.




I knew your heart the moment that I met you.

My heart was full of brokenness and sin,

Your love, the greatest of my treasure,

You keep in this broken earthen vessel.




How could one so holy and so pure,

Die for me, who mocked and disowned you.


Is it true, you gave that you could own me?

Is my love... a precious gift to have?


What I found completely astounds me.

You gave your all...

           Now I'm... The owner of your love.

Mikeee ~ August 2020

Saturday, August 18, 2018


Love is the one emotion that wreaks havoc in our lives, unbidden, and unhindered, it acts on its own accord, seemly at will. There are other emotions that have their way with us, as frail humans, like Anger, Hate, Joy, and fear, but all these and the many others are mostly single faceted, and for the most part, can be tamped down into submission, but not Love, it takes and is in full control.

Love is the one emotion that rises within us of its own accord, it is multi-faceted, moving us into its own path and actions of its choosing, and commanding at will most if not all the other emotions sealed within our soul. We can choose who we have relationships with, outside our families of course, and we can choose to end those relationships as well. But the powerful truth of Love is, we cannot choose who we Love!

There may be those that choose a person based on any number of things, like physical appearance, demeanor, wealth, or fame. They can even pursue a relationship in any number of ways, making their romantic desire known. They may even make headway in forging a union. And all in all, still not be “In Love” with that person. There is a difference. Now Love comes to bear of its own accord, there may be all the other things mentioned above that catches the eye, but the mystery of Love is such, that within a moment, a split second, a person is “In Love”. What drive this one emotion has, it is such a force within the human soul that it begins to cipher energy from every aspect of our being as it pursues its interests. Love begins calling all of the other emotions into focus, Joy and fear, happiness and heartbreak, Anger and Friendship. It is no wonder we get that butterfly feeling in our gut, all twisted and churning. We become so fearful that the feeling might not be mutual. We become angry with friends that interrupt our pursuit. Sound familiar? There is no controlling this emotion, it is on its own, with no thought of the body that houses it, or anything within a hundred-mile radius either organic or synthetic.

Looking back at the list of emotions, I can still my anger with slow breathing coupled with a forgiving spirit. I can turn my hate into friendship, by simply listening and understanding the other side. I can dispel joy by yielding to a pessimistic view. I can calm my fears by knowledge and understanding. But Love is a renegade, it answers to nobody, it cannot be reined in, it cannot be tamed.

So the question is, how do we know if what I am feeling is infatuation or Love? There are two rules that identify the two when it comes to a romantic relationship:
         1)  Love only wants what is best for the one that is loved.
         2)  Every other relationship only wants what is best for themselves.
Have you ever heard this phrase; “If you really loved me…” (Add whatever to the three dots)? That phrase only screams one thing – This is what is best for ME! There are so many red flags with this statement, one of which is insinuating that the one asked could act against true love. If a person loves another, the very nature of Love would never ask for proof, but would always be providing their own proof of their undying love.

Looking at relationships that break up, for many reasons such as sinful living, incompatibility, and yes, one of the couple was never in love. Have you ever experienced a breakup? Someone you were truly in love with, and then one day they announce that it is over, and leave. Do you remember that feeling? Like someone just ripped your gut open with a serrated blade, and forcibly yanked your stomach and heart out of your body. That hurt quite literally is that of the one all-powerful emotions being ripped out of your soul. Love had committed your entire being to the object of your love, and now it is gone. Human relationships fail because we are imperfect, and we are imperfect because we have ignored the perfect love of God in our lives.

Look at the Bible for a moment on what is says about Love: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud.  (5)  Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and it cannot be made angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it.  (6)  Love is never happy when others do wrong, but it is always happy with the truth.  (7)  Love never gives up on people. It never stops trusting, never loses hope, and never quits.  (8)  Love will never end

Something I came to know not too long ago is that I never chose to Love the Lord Jesus Christ. I asked God to save me when I came to understand that Sin had condemned me to eternal judgment, to spend eternity in Hell. Then once I had that knowledge in my head, causing all kinds of anxiety and fear, I was also presented with the truth that God Loved Me! Not much in the words alone, but God never asked me to do anything for him, instead, moved by his love for me, allowed his Son, Jesus Christ, to die a terrible death on a Roman cross. I didn’t understand all the facts of this truth at the time, but I was told that all my sin he took on him, like it was a tangible thing, trapped in my soul, he removed it all, and bore them all in himself as his own, for me, he suffered that awful punishment that I deserved, because he loved me. When I knew all I needed to do was believe God that I would be granted forgiveness of sins, and I would spend eternity in heaven.

 Even then, I didn’t choose to love God or his Son, I merely accepted with gratefulness the gift of life. But God’s love is like the description in this bible passage, it never quits, never gives up. You may ask: “When did God start loving me?” after many years of study and walking with the Lord, I have come to understand something, God fell “In Love” with man when he made us. With man’s history, religiously speaking, turning from our maker, living in sin and rebellion, it is a testament to the description of Love, how very patient and kind, not remembering wrongs done against it, never giving up on the one it loves, and never quits.

Even after learning all these things, I still did not choose to Love God, but rather as I came to know him, to see his love in action, to be the center of his focus, I fell “In Love” with him. I don’t control this emotion, but it fills my heart, it moves my feet, it places the words in my mouth, it adores him.

My love for my wife, my family, and my church family is real and true, and reliable now because it is modeled after the love that God has displayed to all mankind, the love that sought me my entire life, never holding my offences against me, but always seeking the best for my life. The one that demonstrated his love when he died at Calvary.


Mikeee ~ August 2018

Thursday, April 14, 2016

I need a FREEKING Dictionary...

When I was little, my Mom had a way to deal with us when we said bad things. She would wash our mouths out with soap. It was always fun watching this process when one of my 5 siblings were having their mouths washed out with soap… Until the day it was my turn. I said a bad word, I said PeePee. Go ahead and laugh, but we are talking the 60’s. But the truth of the matter was that I wasn’t talking about making water, but I was referring to a boy’s private parts. I knew it, and though I disguised it with a word that could have meant something else, my Mom knew it too. Soap – YUK.
I know even today we all use words to express something vulgar, but disguise it with a word that could mean something else. The truth of the matter is that we know what we meant to say… and, so does most if not all that hear us say it. In our world of texting, the famous OMG certainly softens the impact of taking the Lord’s name in vain, but we know what we mean. Or to exclaim “Jeeze” as though leaving “US” out of the word disguises our degrading of the name of our Lord Jesus.
How about dropping the F-BOMB in polite company, just by disguising it with different letters that make a word that could mean something else… But we know what we meant to say, and so does everybody that hears us. I am guilty of being corny with jokes, and especially love living so close the Percy Priest Dam. So I can easily say something like “We have to go down that DAM road” and by all rights I didn’t really cuss… But I know what I am saying. My wife knows too, so she tells me, “If you want to cuss, just cuss, don’t pretend with a play on words”. That woke me up.
My Step-Father once told me that people that cuss all the time do it because they do not possess an intelligent vocabulary, and fill in their sentences with cuss words, thinking it makes them look cool, when in fact it just makes them look dumb. So how much worse is it when we can’t even use the real cuss words when we cuss? How dumb is that. So as one of the smartest women I have ever known once said, “If you want to cuss, just Cuss”.
Now if there is a reason you disguise the vulgar words you use, like maybe you think it is actually Vulgar to speak that way, why not just get a dictionary out and learn some intelligent words to use in your sentences so you will look smart. Believe me, DUMB is not cool. Smart Rules!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Idiotism – Idio-tism – idiot-ism

Idiotism – Idio-tism – idiot-ism

I know in our society we throw around this term for people that do stupid things. It can be applied to most drivers on the road, to guys making that first contact with a girl, for buying that little sports car when you have a baby on the way… and so on.

Idiotism is the actions we see people do, that makes us want to identify them as an idiot. But it is true that not all people that do stupid things are idiots. Who hasn’t seen the Cops TV show with the amazingly stupid things that people do that gets the police called out to their trailer park. Who does not have a driving story… Like the guy that flies through a stop sign, as you, the only car for miles approaching, and then that same guy who thought it worth risking his life to get in front of you, also now feels he needs to drive 10 miles an hour slower than the speed limit?

Webster defines Idiot as a very stupid or foolish person. So I find myself questioning how stupid of me to identify a human being as a very stupid person just because I witnessed them do a very stupid thing.

Come on, we all have been in a hurry, and blew through a stop sign, only to find that there is a car approaching, and immediately we channel Cheech and Chong and think it is the PO-LICE, and slow way down to 10 below the speed limit.  Really, I am not sure which is more stupid, the blowing through the stop sign or driving extremely slower, with the assumption that the “could be” police officer will think what a model citizen you are. And oh yeah, I have pulled that Idiotism before.

The most amazing idiotism I have seen any human being do, is to stumble at the simplicity of God. There are so many religions that try to complicate the relationship of God and mankind, and add all the rules and regulations to ensure that man has a chance to not go to Hell on Judgment day. I know how the minds of Scientist and Engineers work, wanting to understand the facts, and make logical sense of a thing. So the simplicity of God and his relationship with the human race confuses them, and they begin to reject the whole idea altogether.

It is really quite simple though. God made man. Man sinned and is separated from God. God loved man. God sent his Son (Jesus Christ) to die in the place of man. God saves man when man believes on him. Now don’t get me wrong on this, the words are quite understandable to the human language, but the concept is far beyond the understanding of the human mind. So God does not tell us to understand it all, he just asks us to believe it.

It is an idiotic thing for anyone to come to the conclusion then, that there is no God. God says of that person, that he or she is an Idiot. Psalm 14:1

Don’t be an idiot. Believe God and his Son Jesus today, and enjoy life as his child.



Friday, June 26, 2015

The Christians real battle

I wonder sometimes about the thinking process of Christians in our day and age. Some are all excited about a new law allowing homosexuals to marry, some are enraged that their country could come to this place. Do the Christians living in this world today really think that the laws of this government, or any government in this world will be conformed to the law of God? This nation is one of a few that has enjoyed much of its history governed by laws that reflect the moral judgements of God based on His word the Bible. But the reality is that the world has been and will be on a downward trend until the Christians are removed completely and the remaining people will rule without God’s righteousness as a standard.

I do not feel that this is the battle that we as Christians should be fighting anyway. It is the same with all other social issues that wander through our lawmaking process, and then ultimately are interpreted by the Supreme Court. That said, I still believe my Bible when it says that homosexuality is wrong and is not what he designed.

No, the battle that the Christian faces in this world is not one of flesh and blood but one that is spiritual. Eventually the laws and morals of this country and other countries will affect the life and safety of the Christian, as it has in so many other lands and peoples where believers are persecuted. But for us as well as for them, our battle still is not fought in the legislative branch of our government but against the Gates of Hell. We attack the gates of Hell when we show individuals who need to be saved from their sin that the Lord Jesus Christ died for them. To show them the love of God in our lives as well as in our words.

Yes, we as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have a battle cry, and it is “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” Should we hate the homosexual? No! They are just like all humans that are born into this world. We are all sinners in the eyes of God, We all were born in sin and in need of a savior.

When someone trusts in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, whatever sin had characterized their life before, we are NOT to bend the word of God for their lifestyle as a means of being tolerant but we are to teach the word to them. We are to let God convict them of his perfect will for their life. It is my belief that if someone trusts the Lord for salvation and walks with the Lord and reads and obeys the Word of God, they will allow God to change them. Then the sins of their past lives will fall away as the new man that the Lord created them to be emerges and shines to a lost world.

I certainly hope your light is shining today.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Time and Eternity

Man was created as an eternal creature. Due to the sin of the first man, Adam, man’s ability has changed from eternal to finite, though his nature remains eternal.

It is helpful to define both Time and Eternity to fully understand this concept. First Time is finite. It is measured in linear terms, such as beginning, end and length. Whereas Eternity cannot be measured because there is no definable beginning or end, and thereby no measurable length.

God who created us is Eternal. From the creation story, we read that we were created in his image. This would indicate that we look like him. Well, from the description we have of God, he is invisible, we know the image is not based on looks, but must be on nature, that being eternal. What this means for us as humans, and as individuals, is that we will never cease to exist. More on this in a moment.

When God created this world, he created time as well, so that Time can be described as a created thing. Knowing this and that time by definition has a beginning and an end, we know that we only have so much time left before the world we know and live in will cease to exist in linear form. It was created in such a way that we cannot go back to an earlier point in time, except to examine recorded history. We cannot move any faster forward in time than the mechanisms put in place to define time for us. Per Genesis chapter 1 and verse 16 where we are told that he made the Sun to rule the day, and the moon to rule the night, and he included the stars as points of reference in times passing.

So we have a place where this created thing we call Time exists, it is called the Universe. Pretty big too. Scientist give us measurements of this place, some more accurate now with the aid of newer technology, but most really just a guess based on what we can measure. Nonetheless, it does have a measurement, and has a beginning and an end. The question is now, where is Eternity? But first back to our limited abilities now as sin born creatures, where our comprehension of time itself is difficult at best and confusing at worst. Also we are completely incapable to find a definable measure to apply to Eternity. We are told that the Universe is at least 10 billion light years in diameter, but who can really define in practical terms what a light year is? If I am told something is a mile in diameter, I can pretty much comprehend that, but tell me it is a billion miles in diameter, and my gray matter becomes gray goo. So 10 billion light years? Though I know that science has a definition of this measure, and with study and reason, it can be understood, it will never be understood practically by the natural human. Now to spend a lot of time trying to understand the depths of this can cause your face to look like that of Einstein’s, not so pretty, but in the end getting on a USSR stamp is not too shabby. The time it takes getting from a USSR postal unit to a US postal unit will be the same to all observers regardless of their relative motion… Oh goodness, gray goo again.

So our world that we live on, in this journey through time, can be measured in two ways, one is linear, and the other is polar. The world spins in the direction of the linear, That is from East to West, thus moving us through the length of time allotted to us. My brother believes that if you speed toward the west you will travel slower, and to the east you will travel faster. But I have learned that the trip from the east coast to the west coast of the United States takes the same amount of time either way, no matter how fast I travel. I guess it all is relative? The polar measurement takes us from North to South, and is a point to point length that changes direction once you past one of the points. If you travel the linear either direction, like from East to West, you will always travel toward the west, the direction never changes. Gives us a really cool duel analogy of us as finite beings with an eternal nature. Now if you take a linear view of east to west, and not a global view, then you can imagine if you started at any point and started traveling in one direction, you would never get to the opposite point. This kind of helps to make sense of the word of God when he said that he has cast our sins as far as the East is from the West. If we continue to use the analogy of the spin of this earth as moving us forward in time, then if East marks the beginning of time and West the end, we could assume from the statement concerning our sins that God has dealt with every sin, from every age, from every human, from the start of time to the end. This give fresh hope concerning our salvation, that it is Eternal in nature, not affected by any actions of failure or sin even after we are saved. But what must our Lord Jesus Christ have suffered, if on the cross he bare all sins for all humans, for all times?

Now picture in your mind two things, first is Time as a created thing, even though it is revealed to us in the form of the universe that is 10 billion light years in diameter, think about it in linear form, like a box, but in it from beginning to end, the all between are the events that has made up our lives as humans, and those events that have not yet taken place. You will have to imagine that you have the ability to look down on it as a THING so your imagination can consider this. Then, Secondly, picture Eternity as everything else, no boundaries, no discernible shape, no measurable length. This is how I believe God sees Time, including this world we live in. So it is not hard to imagine as you look at this picture, how God could know our future. It does not so much have to be that he set it all in stone either, but allowed his creation move forward with free will. Humans choosing how they live, where they go, how they act, and what they believe. He could certainly look ahead (which we as finite creatures cannot do) and he can see what choices we made. We can even use conjecture to see how when we pray for someone, like asking God to send someone to a friend or loved one with the gospel, how this may alter the outcome of the future for that person? But something else I thought of with this in mind, is the prophets of old. How they could foretell of future events with precise detail. We see this clearly with all of the prophecies concerning the coming of Christ into this world, and of his death. Is it possible that God could allow the brain of that prophet operate on an eternal level, providing them with a view like the one I described with Time as a box? I often think about the Apostle John, and the vision he had of the Revelation of Christ. His recording was described as though he was there experiencing it as it happened, and shifted from one period of time to another. There is way more to this subject that can possibly be explained in clear terms so long as we live in this finite body.

Which brings me to my last subject, though mentioned early on in this article, and that is the fact that though our ability is finite, we as God’s created beings are Eternal in nature. What this means is that every human will never cease to exist. This body we live in is finite as is Time, but when the body fades, we simply move into the eternal realm. When you hear someone say to you “Where will you spend Eternity?” there is such weight to those words, because like it or not, it is the nature of our being, we move on when the temporal has failed. The Gospel is God’s message to his creation, that though they were created for him, they failed, and sinned, and no longer had access in his presence, (The weight and seriousness of this truth affects every single person), But that his Son, Jesus Christ paid the price and penalty for man’s sin, the gospel offers Eternal life to any who simply believe it. For those that do not believe, they choose to move into Eternity without God. But it is God that is Eternity, he is Light, Love, Hope, Joy, Beauty, and anything that is anything good, to choose to go into Eternity without God is to live without Light and love and all the rest that is good in an existence that is not measured in time as we know, but one where the BOX can be viewed from start to finish with no way to change its outcome, no way to change your place.

God is Good, God is Love, God is Light. Trust him right now before this old world stops the spin and we all move into Eternity.